The Drain King Knowledge Center
Purchasing a Home? Main sewer line televising camera is highly recommended.
Purchase home main sewer line televising. You are getting a home inspection. The inspector looks at many things then gives you a report on his/her opinion of the health of your perspective home. Some home inspectors offer an add-on service of main sewer line...
Restaurant Grease Do’s and Don’ts.
"Insanity is repeating the same thing over and over and expecting the results to be different.", is a quote often attributed to Albert Einstein. I recently had a restaurant owner angry with me at the cost of clearing his main line of restaurant grease. The process...
Drain Cleaning Minneapolis, St. Paul
Drain King Inc. has proudly served the Minneapolis, St. Paul metro and surrounding areas drain cleaning needs for the past 25 years. Drain King Inc. uses the most advanced technology to determine the problem and solve it quickly and cost effectively. We offer both...
Water jet roots from your Main Drain?
No; is the answer for the vast majority of home owners. There are several reasons not to water jet, but first I'd like to warn you about a trend in Drain Cleaning of Main Drains that is happening in the Minneapolis and St. Paul as well as surrounding communities like...
How to Increase Water Pressure to Your Home?
When battling low water pressure, replacing the piping is not always a practical solution. In fact, this can be costly and unnecessary. There are a number of factors that can affect your home’s water flow, so if something doesn’t seem right, check the four main causes...
Grease Recycling
As our society becomes increasingly aware of the consequences of our daily actions and choices, more companies are finding ways to combat problems that have been wreaking havoc on the environment. The large and ever-increasing number of people alive today is reason...
What is your Carbon Footprint?
We, as residents of Earth, all have a carbon footprint. There is always a byproduct, a sweet little something left behind from everything we do. Not so sweet is the lack of knowledge available to the general public about the impact every person has on what happens to...
Differences Between Hard Water and Soft Water
Have you heard the terms “hard water” and “soft water” and wondered what they meant? Have you heard people debate the merits of each? Perhaps you've experienced both types and prefer one over the other, but you're not sure why. This article will answer all of those...
Brown Grease vs. Yellow Grease
Commercial kitchens produce a large amount of grease and fats that need to be disposed of regularly to maintain functionality and environmental regulations. Restaurants use grease traps or inflammable waste traps to collect these FOG (fat, oil, grease) materials,...