We, as residents of Earth, all have a carbon footprint. There is always a byproduct, a sweet little something left behind from everything we do. Not so sweet is the lack of knowledge available to the general public about the impact every person has on what happens to our environment, the sizable prints left by our everyday actions, and the simple ways to reduce the negative impact of those actions.
According to timeforchange.org, a carbon footprint is ”the total amount of greenhouse gases produced to directly and indirectly support human activities, usually expressed in equivalent tons of carbon dioxide (CO2).” This number per person grows to be pretty substantial when counting the energy used to provide food, create comfortable living spaces, provide gas to drive a vehicle, and countless other types of energy use.
Though we do indeed create a very large and mostly unsavory change to the planet and its climate, the good news is; there are many easy ways to change our daily habits that will positively impact each carbon footprint. The use of hybrid and electric cars greatly reduces carbon emissions, and it saves the user quite a bit of money on gas as well. Reducing emissions at home can be as simple as hanging clothes out to dry in the summertime and turning the thermostat down a few degrees overnight in the winter.
Other ways to be mindful around the home include washing clothes in cold water as opposed to hot, replacing old and inefficient appliances with Energy Star-compliant models, and installing a programmable thermostat. Being thrifty with energy use at home is always a great idea, as it saves money and the planet simultaneously.
Business owners can also play a large part in creating sustainable living practices and setting a good example in their communities. For restaurants in particular, proper handling and disposal of waste products such as fats, oils, and grease from deep fryers and sauté lines can greatly reduce pollution in sewers and local waterways. When kitchen waste is not disposed of correctly, it can clog sewer lines, which causes messy backups and damage. Installation of grease traps in commercial kitchens and arranging for regular cleaning by a professional are a great way for entrepreneurs to reduce their carbon footprints.
If you are an environmentally conscious business owner, contact Drain King for information on grease trap installation and maintenance. Let’s work together to reduce the negative impact left behind by living on our planet.